Richard Darby’s Funeral Arrangements

I have been asked to post this by his family:

You may have heard that Richard Darby’s funeral is this Tuesday, 12 December at 3pm at Bushbury Crematorium? The service will be a small family gathering with a few very close friends.

Therefore, the family has organised a video link, so that the service can be viewed via the internet if you wish?

Note: Depending on how many log on to view the service, it may not work. However, you will be able to watch it later and I believe download the service if you wish?

To access this service, there is a link on Richards’s website, (link below) that will take you to the login page and once you add the Username and password it will take you to the video.


The Username is: duju2054
The Password is: 849627

Richard’s family are hoping to organise a Celebration of his life in January, the date will be confirmed in due course