If you have an event you would like to add to this calendar, then please email website@tr3oc.com
Bikes needed for this event. One of the West’s best classic bike shows.
Scotlands premier bike show. Contact Sandy to show your bike .
The annual Ellesmere port swapmeet organised by Mike the pipe. Overnight parking for campers or vans , free entertainment in the club. Contact Mike for more details.
Please book via the Shap Wells hotel.
These are the following rates with a slight increase of £4 per person.
Dinner bed and breakfast per night based on two sharing £65 per person.
Single occupancy £90.50 per night.
Double room single occupancy £95 .
£15 per dog per night.
Please mention when booking to James the Tr3oc event. Tel . 01931 716628′
A popular show . The club would support this event if anyone would like to run a club stand.
We hope to have a club stand , More details to come.
Come and show your bike and enjoy a free weekend. This year being 50 years since Slippery Sam’s last TT victory it would be good to have one on display. Anything with a ‘story’ would be welcome. the more bikes we have the bigger the space. Contact Joe asap.
Fin Colson is running the excellent Jurassic Rally near Corfe castle . A lovely campsite with good public transport connections to Wareham or Swanage locally. Book with the campsite mentioning the Tr3oc on 01929480274 then let Fin know on 07450992298.
The Cornwall rally is again at the West Wayland campsite . There are local B&B ‘s as well .
Contact Graham for the full details.
Contact Sandy for full details. sandyandmartina@btinternet.com
This is a new venue, Book the Buccleuch arms hotel through Sandy Sutherland as hotel rooms are pre booked. 07984 525457 or sandyandmartina@btinternet.com
Please book the campsite direct on 01683220436.
Speed hillclimb. details to follow.
The North Wales rally enters it’s 5th year based at the Carrog station campsite with the hosts George and Caz Sinclair.
Book direct with the campsite telling them you are attending the rally and notify George for the numbers.
Will be held on a proper campsite with facilities.
We are pleased to announce the running of Beezumph 31 at the Cadwell park circuit.
We, the committee have been working very hard in the last few weeks and are pleased to announce the following :-
The Theme this year is ‘production racers’ and celebrating the 50th anniversary of Slippery Sam’s 5th and final TT victory.
We have invited the Norton Owners club as this years guest club which they have duly accepted.
The track sessions are as follows :-
- Entry level, following marshals at a moderate pace.
- Pre 1985 bikes touring.
- Pre 1985 bikes fast touring.
- Post 1985 bikes.
- Open class.
- Historic parade race bikes 0nly.
There will be a historic race bike parade session running open pipe with no noise restrictions.
There have been negotiations with the National motorcycle museum and they are going to prepare and bring six bikes to be ridden in the historic parade, four are confirmed as follows :-
- Slippery Sam.
- Percy Tait’s works Rob North T150.
- A works Norton Rotary.
- The Thruxton 500 winning Commando production racer.
The other two bikes and the rider line up are still to be confirmed. There will also be a good variety of other bikes to compliment the parade and make a great spectacle to see and hear.
On top of this the Museum are going to help promote the event using their social media pages which have 90,000 followers.
Joy has arranged for ‘Classic bike guide ‘ to attend and do a feature for publication.
The tickets are printed and will be available online via the Beezumph website , postal and at events we are attending through the year.
Mark our chairman and the committee are hoping we can give the event an uplift and feel good factor and as many members, friends, enthusiasts and families attending as possible for a very rare opportunity to see these bikes being ridden as they were back in the day.